
Location based employees limit your talent pool. Macro-Management: Big Picture Leadership In 3 Steps will help you recruit, lead and retain the best talent for your company in the following 3-step program:

Big – Trust is everything. Without establishing trust from the start, there’s zero chance for success. Relational leadership is what workers crave. Learn how to connect and retain your best talent.

Picture – Feeling isolated kills productivity while collaboration builds community. Foster strong interpersonal connections with co-workers to increase employee longevity. Discover digital and innovative solutions that drive robust team-based results.

Autonomy – The goal here is to create self-motivated intrapreneurs. Start by training individuals according to their natural strengths. Next, assign challenging tasks to stretch their limits. Lastly, provide feedback through coaching to direct and engage workers. Master strengths-based leadership to unleash your company’s potential.

Macro-Management: Big Picture Leadership In 3 Steps is available in a half day on-site or virtual presentation. Please complete this form to get started!

I recently managed 30 full-time employees remotely. Leadership at its purest form.

Here are 2 resources that helped me embrace remote work: Remote & Building Community in the Virtual Workplace.
